Sobota o 13:30🔥🎶 Radio.Safira.FM

🎶📻 YOUR 90S REWIND z M.G. Kelly na Radio Safira.FM! 📻🎶
Zapraszamy na muzyczną podróż do lat 90-tych z audycją "YOUR 90S REWIND" prowadzoną przez M.G. Kelly'ego. Słuchaj w sobotę o godz. 13:30 na fali Radio.Safira.FM i przypomnij sobie razem z nami - największe hity tamtej dekady! 🎤🎧
Segment 1:
Michael Jackson - "Black Or White"
Nicki French - "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
Citizen King - "Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out)"
Boyz II Men - "Thank You"
Segment 2:
Inner Circle - "Bad Boys"
Chris Isaak - "Wicked Game"
Mariah Carey - "Make It Happen"
Hootie and The Blowfish - "Let Her Cry"
Segment 3:
Foo Fighters - "Monkey Wrench"
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - "Mary Jane's Last Dance"
La Bouche - "Be My Lover"
Bush - "Glycerine"
Segment 1:
Blues Traveler - "Run-Around"
Paula Cole - "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?"
Vanilla Ice - "Play That Funky Music"
Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson - "The Best Things In Life Are Free"
Segment 2:
Amber - "This Is Your Night"
Aerosmith - "Dude Looks Like a Lady"
Collective Soul - "Shine"
Celine Dion - "Where Does My Heart Beat Now"
Segment 3:
Genesis - "I Can't Dance"
Billie Myers - "Kiss the Rain"
Gin Blossoms - "Til I Hear It from You"
Blisko dwie godziny relaksu przy dźwiękach z lat 90-tych🎶 Czekamy na Ciebie z "YOUR 90s REWIND" w sobotę o 13.30 na fali Radio.Safira.FM!
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