Sobota 21.00🎶📡 Twoja Biblia:

O godz. 21.00, Radio.Safira.FM ma zaszczyt zaprosić na kolejne wydanie programu "UPLIFTING ONLY" z ORI UPLIFT. Tym razem aż 30 ciekawych utworów, w tym aż 6 światowych premier!
W odcinku usłyszycie:
1. Sylenth17 - A Gift For You (Emotional Intro Mix) / Abora Skies
2. Ronny K. pres. Advanced - Atlantis (Simon O'Shine Remix) / Blue Soho
3. Norni & Michele C - Still Breathing / AVA White
4. illitheas - Forgotten Tales / Abora Progressive
5. JAN DE VICE & Josie Sandfeld - Losing Track Of Time (Tycoos Remix) / Bifrost
6. Christina Novelli & DJ Xquizit - So Cold (Maratone Remix) / Abora Progressive
7. Simon Leon, Daniel Kandi & Christina Novelli - Haunted / Black Hole
8. Ric Aires feat. Utkarsh Rastogi - Dooriyan (Extended Club MIx) / Synchronized Melodies
9. Tensteps - Out Of The Shadows / Find Your Harmony
10. Mesm3rizer - Reticent / Interplay Global
11. SMR LVE & Jennifer Rene - Stay / Suanda
12. Joulez - Femto Parsec / RockRiver
13. D.J.G., M.I.K! - Who You Really Are feat. Jasmine Dean / Your Melodies
14. Solarstone - Hope / Black Hole
15. Cari & Fisical Project & Caleb Golston - Like It Was Yesterday / Go Music
16. PvR - Faraway Shore / Synchronized Next
17. James Kitcher & Adam Taylor vs Manuel Rocca - The Reverie / Silent Shore
18. Rowan van Beckhoven - Coalescence / Levitated
19. Cold Blue - Ode To The Sun / Subculture
20. Alatheia - Libreto (Sergey Salekhov Remix) / Aerodynamica
21. Bbook - Last Hope / Sundance
22. Freelife - For You / Sounds of the Stars
23. Peter Miskelly & Sarah Lynn - Bruised But Not Broken / Amsterdam Trance Records
24. Driftmoon - Heart Collider / Black Hole
25. Aly & Fila, Lostly - The Unknown / FSOE
26. Andy Elliass & ARCZI - Life Is An Odyssey / Magic Island Elevate
27. Atropate - Come Back / Synchronized Next
28. DAVIDI - Starfall / Activate
29. Alex Drane - Remembrance of the Past / Abora
30. DJoy & Lightstate with Ria Joyse - Heartbliss (DJoy Acoustic Mix) / Abora Chillout
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