Worship 🌌📻🎶

W nadchodzącą sobotę, Radio Safira zaprasza Was do wysłuchania cyklu audycji "Worship with Andy Chrisman". Spędźcie z nami ten czas, wznosząc serca i głosy w chwale, dzięki starannie wyselekcjonowanym utworom, które dotykają duszy i przybliżają do Boga.
Segment 1 (20m11s):
- Phil Wickham - "This Is Our God"
- The Worship Initiative - "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing"
- Brooke Ligertwood - "Bless God"
- CCV Music - "Bloom"
Segment 2 (17m40s):
- Cody Carnes - "Firm Foundation (He Won’t)"
- Bethel Music - "Holy Forever"
- Jeremy Riddle - "Home"
- The Belonging Co & Andrew Holt - "Here Now"
Segment 3 (17m43s):
- Elevation Worship - "Trust In God"
- Hillsong United & TAYA - "Another In The Fire"
- Chandler Moore - "King Of Kings"
- Brandon Lake – "Coat of Many Colors"
Segment 4 (20m19s):
- Life.Church Worship - "God So Good"
- Leeland - "Inhabit"
- Mass Anthem - "Goodness Of God / O Praise The Name"
- Gateway Worship - "Jesus Is My Healer" (feat. Jessie Harris)
Segment 5 (17m03s):
- Matt Redman - "Son Of Suffering"
- Jesus Culture - "Everything That Has Breath"
- Cory Asbury - "Egypt"
- CAIN - "Honest Offering / I Surrender All"
Segment 6 (18m39s):
- Brandon Lake - "COUNT ‘EM"
- Chris Davenport - "Plead The Blood"
- Charity Gayle - "New Name Written Down In Glory"
- LO Worship - "He's Not Done"
Sobota godz. 8.30, 11.30, 12.30, 17.30, 18.30 i 19.00. Dołączcie do nas na "Worship with Andy Chrisman". To czas, by razem celebrować miłość i obecność Boga w naszym życiu. Niech ta audycja będzie dla Was źródłem inspiracji i ukojenia.