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Zdjęcie autora: WiktorWiktor

Dzisiaj o godz. 23.00 na fali Radio.Safira.FM 🎧


O godzinie 23:00, na fali Radio.Safira.FM, zapraszamy na cotygodniowe spotkanie z Kenem Bauerem! 📻

W programie usłyszycie:

1. Agents Of Time, Camden Cox - Vertigo (Extended Mix)

2. Tim Bliss - Shifting Away (Extended Mix) [FUTURE RAVE MUSIC]

3. Mesa & Boss - Don't Pretend (Extended Mix)

4. Skytech, Vion Konger - Rhythm of the Night (R3HAB Edit)

5. Lion, Cosmo & Skoro - Underground (Extended Mix)

6. Laura Van Dam - How Does It Feel (Extended Mix)

7. Passenger 10, Path Of Youth - Runaway (Extended Mix)

8. Ken Bauer - Your Voice (Extended Mix) [FUTURE RAVE MUSIC]

9. Daniel Portman - Cosmopolitan (Extended Mix)

10. Rafael Osmo & ASHER SWISSA - In The Game (Extended Mix)

11. TELYKAST Oaks - No Matter What (Extended Mix)

12. Beatsole - Cosmic Light (Extended Mix)

13. David Forbes - Alcazar (Extended Deeper Mix)

14. Sagan & Galleon - So, I Begin (Extended Mix)

KEN BAUER'S POWER HOUR w Radio.Safira.FM o godz. 23.00. Zapraszamy🎶


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