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Zdjęcie autoraWitold Augustyn

Kapitan Villahangar & 4RAIN

Radio.Safira.FM - sobota, godz. 16.30 🌟

🎧 O godz. 16.30, jak co tydzień, Music in the Air & Villahangar Captain 🎧

Dzisiejsza playlista:

01. Peru (Peace Control Remix) [Disposable]

02. Toxic - Henry Chris, 4Rain [One seven Music]

03. All I Got Massh, Adam Port & Keinemusik

04. Not the Same - Nitefreak, Imad, Clubhouse [Deep Root Tribe]

05. Fajé louder -Henry Chris [One seven Music]

06. Goodbyes - DJ Snake & Naomi Sharon [OVO]

07. James Mac & Vall ft Rosalie - The Boy Is Mine [PlatterMatterMusic]

08. Move - Adam Port, Stryv [keinemusik]

09. World Hold On (Soubeiran & Sasson Remix) [Wagram music]

10. Best Friend - 4Rain & Kasango, Jimmy Nevis [uknow entertainment]

11. Everything I Know - Rønhöff, Louin, 4Rain [HMWL]

12. Vrede - Temazkal [ChillYourMind]

13. Out Of Time (Breyth Remix) 4Rain,, Lioness Ratang [Empire]

Od godz. 16.30, na fali Radio.Safira.FM - Music in the Air i Captain Villahangar. Zaprasza Witold Augustyn 🎶✨


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