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Art of Rave Terry Golden

Zdjęcie autora: WiktorWiktor

Poniedziałek, godz. 23.00 na fali Radio.Safira.FM

ART OF RAVE z Terry Golden'em, już w poniedziałek o godz. 23:00 na fali Radio.Safira.FM! 🌟

W programie usłyszycie między innymi:

  1. Hevi Levi, Terry Golden - Rave For Life

  2. Cover Bootleg - Faded

  3. Terry Golden - Selected (Original Mix)

  4. Kölch - I Talk To Water (With Perry Farrell)(Camelphat Remix) - Terry Golden Club Edit

  5. WhoMadeWho - Miracle - RÜFÜS DU SOL Remix (Original Mix)

  6. Product Of Us - Hey Now (feat. Rory Hope) (Original Mix)

  7. Tyoz - Nightshapes (Extended Mix)

  8. Terry Golden - Remedy (Extended Mix)

  9. Terry Golden - How Deep Is Your Love (Club Edit)

  10. Kölch - All That Matters (Terry Golden Remix)

  11. Terry Golden - One More Time - Terry Golden Rave Edit (Original Mix)

  12. Terry Golden - Anybody Here (Original Mix)

  13. Terry Golden - Sparkles (Original Mix)

  14. Terry Golden - Warning from Tomorrow (Original Mix)

  15. CamelPhat & Yannis Vs ARTBAT - Hypercolour (OSSeLA Intro Edit)

  16. Cassian x ICEHOUSE - Great Southern Land (Extended)

  17. Fideles - In Your Eyes (Fideles Remix)

  18. Terry Golden - Afterlife (Original Mix)

📌 Do usłyszenia w poniedziałek o godz. 23.00. Dołącz do nas i zanurz się w świecie rave'u na fali Radio.Safira.FM 🎧


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